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Where do I take sessions?
I'm available for sessions at a lovely Oakland dungeon.
I also love to travel, so contact Me if you're interested in arranging an out-of-town session. 

When am I available?
My availability is very limited and varies.
I generally need a week's notice and cannot accommodate same-day bookings. 
What's My tribute? 
My rates vary depending on the activities and location of the session.
I will let you know what the tribute will be after I've received your contact form. 

What's the deposit and cancellation fee for?
I require a non-negotiable $100/Hr deposit for all clients. This can be sent by CashApp to $SadieHex
or Venmo to SadieHex.
The deposit is to ensure you are not wasting My time. 

Cancellations with 48hrs notice or greater can either have the deposit refunded, or it can be held for a future booking
within a month of the original date. Cancellations with less than 48hrs notice will mean the deposit is forfeited and I strongly recommend that you still send the full tribute to stay in My good graces. 

What do I expect from you?
First and foremost, respect My time. Do not bombard Me with messages or emails full of pointless information. 
Be clear and concise when you contact Me.

I am a professional and I expect you to treat Me as such. I also expect transparency from you about your
desires and hard limits, your health and any concerns that are relevant to Me. 

What are My pronouns and what can you call Me?

I am agender and use they/them pronouns.
This is important to Me. 
If you do not respect trans people, kindly, look for another provider. 
What you call Me depends on our relationship- call Me Sadie till we have discussed what honorifics for we will use. 

What do I want in a submissive?
I accept applications from submissive clients who desire to become a better, happier person through servitude. 
If you're ready and willing to commit to doing the work, then go read My sub coaching and training information. 

Do I offer coaching to clients who are not submissive? 
Of course! It just depends on your goals and if they align with My values.

Why do I require references?
I ask for at least 2 references from other professional providers to keep Myself safe, and if you are a good client,
I will gladly be a future reference for you... Include an email or phone number for Me to contact them, and
make sure to that they've given you permission to use them as a reference!  

What if you're a newbie, or have no references?
I'm no longer seeing newbies or clients without references at this time.
Get some experience under your belt, there's plenty of wonderful
 in the Bay who still see new clients, and then feel free to reach out!
How can you send Me a gift?
I accept gift cards sent to My email address
Check with Me before sending gifts,

and I will give you approval (if it's something I desire and/or have a use for). 

Can you take Me on a date? Or have a vanilla session with Me?
 Sure! Let Me show you a more intimate side of Myself at My favorite restaurant or art museum...
if I really like you, I might even take you to see some live music!

Tribute is the same as listed above, but My transportation, food, and any other costs are to be paid by you. 

Where can you find Me on social media?

Do I see women, couples and gender non-conforming clients? 
ABSOLUTELY!! I'm queer, and genuinely love to get freaky with all kinds of people. 

How do you contact Me?
See the "Contact Me" page.



Legal Notice: With reference to California Penal Code section 647(b) and CALCRIM Nos. 1153 to 1155, the services discussed herein do not in any way include or relate to either (1) engagement in any lewd act for money or other consideration, or (2) solicitation, offer, or agreement to engage in any lewd act for money or other consideration. 

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